Title: The Last Unfinished Painting Creator: Amrita Sher-Gil Date Created: 1941 Location: Lahore Physical Dimensions: Oil on Canvas, 67.2cm X 89.5cm Type: Painting Exhibition History : 1) Displayed in the exhibition 'Amrita Shergil: The Passionate Quest' at the National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi. 2) Amrita Sher-Gil Birth Centenary …
Sher-Gil's "Red Clay Elephant" displays the growing influence that the Mughal miniature portraits had on Sher-Gil; as she grew more interested in them, her work became smaller …
A life between exclamation points. Jayanthi Madhukar / Updated: Mar 29, 2014, 20:51 IST. Facebook. Twitter. Linkedin. Email. Amrita Sher-Gil was an artist extraordinaire, shattering cliches in her ...
Title: Haldi Grinders Creator: Amrita Sher-Gil Date Created: 1940 Location: Saraya Physical Dimensions: Oil on Canvas, 76.5cm X 102cm Type: Painting Exhibition History : 1) Displayed in the exhibition 'Amrita Shergil: The Passionate Quest' at the National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi. 2) Amrita Sher-Gil Birth Centenary Celebrations organized at …
Amrita Sher-Gil in her studio, 1937. Amidst the diverse tapestry of artistic greatness, there are a select few who set out to fearlessly create a realm that is entirely their own. Amrita Sher-Gil, a pioneer of modern Indian art, once boldly declared, "Europe belongs to Picasso, Matisse, Braque, and many others.
Amrita Sher-Gil Biography - Paintings, Artworks, Achievements & Facts. Amrita Sher-Gil was a prominent Indian painter, and one of the notable avant-garde women artists of the …
The Life Amrita Sher-Gil Lived. There are two Amritas under numerous layers of myths, the first one is a brash, opinionated, proud controversialist, who enjoyed 'epater les bourgeois', created scandals and made outrageous statements, enjoying freedom like a flying and the other is an introvert, melancholic, even by unresolved personal …
Amrita Sher-Gil flashed through the Indian artistic horizon like an incandescent meteor. Her place in the trajectory of Indian modern art is unquestionably pre eminent. Her aesthetic sensibility shows not surprisingly a blend of European and Indian elements. Sher-Gil's Sikh father, Umrao Singh Sher-Gil was an owner of landed estates and among other things, …
ORIN ZAHRA. Figure 6.6.1 6.6. 1: Amrita Sher-Gil, Self-Portrait as a Tahitian, 1934, 90 x 56 cm (Kiran Nadar Museum of Art, New Delhi) In a large self-portrait, the modernist painter Amrita Sher-Gil stands half nude with a plain white wrap around her waist. Her loosely tied jet-black hair, parted down the middle, flows down her back.
Title: Study of 'Composition' Creator: Amrita Sher-Gil Date Created: 1935 Location: Shimla Physical Dimensions: Oil on Canvas, 77.5cm X 105.5cm Type: Painting Exhibition History : 1) Displayed in the exhibition 'Amrita Shergil: The Passionate Quest' at the National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi. 2) Amrita Sher-Gil Birth Centenary Celebrations organized at …
Aurora Zogoiby, a character in Salman Rushdie's 1995 novel The Moor's Last Sigh, was inspired by Sher-Gil. Sher-Gil was sometimes known as India's Frida Kahlo because of the "revolutionary" way she blended Western and traditional art forms. In 2018, The New York Times published a belated obituary for her.
A Rare Amrita Sher-Gil Landscape, 'Trees'. The Modern and Contemporary South Asian Art sale on 10 June brings together a compelling selection of paintings, …
Amrita Sher-Gil painted in the latter half of the 1930s took a tour of South India. Paintings done in this period were inspired by the classical tradition of the Ajanta murals. Amrita Sher-Gil painted the image with a large group of figures and used a richly diverse palette to delineate them. These works are also known as the South Indian trilogy.
Sher-Gil's art is characterised by its striking use of colour and form and powerful feminist themes. In her paintings, she often depicted women boldly and assertively, challenging the traditional, passive representations of women prevalent in art at the time. Bringing a new perspective to the form, she redefined the portrayal of women ...
This painting was done by Amrita Sher-Gil in 1935, the first after her return from Europe following her art studies in Paris. This painting won her a gold medal from the Bombay Art Society. Art historian Partha Mitter has referred to this painting as The Three Women, while in the catalogue Amrita Sher-Gil: An Indian Artist Family of the Twentieth Century, the …
Hungarian Market Scene. Haldi Grinders. Mother India. Open Air Painters. Two Elephants. Bride's Toilet. Three by Amrita Sher-Gil. Three is a painting produced by Amrita Sher-Gil in 1935. This is the first work to be painted by the Indian artist after returning to India from Europe in 1934.
Sher-Gil's painting, entitled Self-Portrait as a Tahitian, is a direct reference to the art of Gauguin who, like many other late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century …
Last week, Sher-Gil's painting In the Ladies' Enclosure, 1938, sold at Saffronart Mumbai for $5.16 million, becoming the second most expensive Indian artwork ever. Amrita Sher-Gil, In the Ladies' Enclosure, 1938. Courtesy of Saffronart Mumbai. In the Ladies' Enclosure is considered one of her masterpieces and represents a time of relative ...
The reissue of Amrita Sher-Gil: A Self-Portrait in Letters & Writings, which collects all of the artist's writings and reproduces her 172 surviving paintings, allows us to judge the acclaim. In ...
Title: Ancient Story Teller Creator: Amrita Sher-Gil Date Created: 1940 Location: Saraya Physical Dimensions: 72.8cm X 89.2cm Type: Painting Medium: Oil on Canvas Exhibition History : 1) Displayed in the exhibition …
Amrita Sher-Gil's oil painting, titled "The Story Teller," sold for Rs 61.8 crore ($7.4 million) at a Saffronart auction, making it the most expensive Indian artwork sold at auction worldwide.
Amrita Sher-Gil, Self-Portrait, 1927-28, Charcoal on Paper. 'The self in making' examines Amrita Sher-Gil's self-portraits that were grounded in her self-consciousness of growing up to be an artist and also positioning herself as a modern woman. Her nuanced persona could easily slip from a western outfit into a traditional …
Amrita Sher-Gil: This is Me. Sunil Khilnani tells the story of the painter Amrita Sher-Gil, 20th century India's first art star. Show more.
Amrita Sher-Gil (1913-1941), often recognised as India's 'Frida Kahlo', is one of the nation's most celebrated modern artists. Heavily influenced by Realism, Sher-Gil strived to portray the lives of people living within her local community. Petra Power looks at one of the most gifted artists of the pre-colonial era.
Amrita Sher-Gill is the first artist of India, who studied woman in a diverse angle and explored a new criteria in respect of womanhood, particularly in the last phase of her oeuvre (Dalmia 2014). She portrayed women in a realistic manner and created stress and uneasiness through color and background. In Sher-Gill's paintings, positive ...
A scion of Indian Sikh aristocracy, Umrao Singh was a nationalist, independent scholar with philosophical interests, and an eccentric, somewhat Tolstoyan figure in appearance. Celebrated artist Amrita Sher-Gil was the elder daughter of Umrao Singh and his Hungarian wife Marie Antoinette. Born in Hungary, Hungarian was her first language, was ...
The Virtual Tour titled "An Unfinished Journey | Amrita Sher-Gil" is organized to commemorate the 109th Birth Anniversary of Amrita Sher-Gil on 30th January 2021. …
Title: Ancient Story Teller Creator: Amrita Sher-Gil Date Created: 1940 Location: Saraya Physical Dimensions: 72.8cm X 89.2cm Type: Painting Medium: Oil on Canvas Exhibition History : 1) Displayed in the exhibition 'Amrita Shergil: The Passionate Quest' at the National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi. 2) Amrita Sher-Gil Birth Centenary …
Sotheby's presents works of art by Amrita Sher-Gil. Browse artwork and art for sale by Amrita Sher-Gil and discover content, biographical information and recently sold works.
Sher-Gil moved to Paris in 1929 when she was 16, studying at L'Académie de la Grande Chaumière and later at the École des Beaux-Arts. Whilst in Paris, she was exposed to the work of Paul Cézanne, Amedeo Modigliani …
Amrita Sher-Gil (1913-1941), colourful and innovative painter of modern India, was born on 30 January 1913 in Budapest, Hungary. Her father, Umrao Singh Sher-Gil Majithia, …
Legendary artist Amrita Sher-Gil's birth centenary (1913-1941) was on January 30. She initiated modernism into Indian art by synthesising Western principles of organised design in composition ...
Title: Two Elephants Creator: Amrita Sher-Gil Date Created: 1940 Location: Saraya Physical Dimensions: Oil on Canvas, 46cm X 54.3cm Type: Painting Exhibition History : 1) Displayed in the exhibition 'Amrita Shergil: The Passionate Quest' at the National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi. 2) An exhibition titled Amrita Shergil - An Artist family in the 20th …
Amrita Sher-Gil, one of India's most revered artists, has etched her name in history as her masterpiece, "The Story Teller," achieved the distinction of becoming the most expensive work by an Indian artist ever sold. This remarkable feat unfolded at Saffronart's "Evening Sale: Modern Art" in New Delhi, where the painting commanded an astounding ...