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MEPC 72/17/Add.1 Anexo 11, página 3 I:MEPC72MEPC 72-17-Add.1.docx 1 INTRODUCCIÓN 1.1 La Organización Marítima Internacional (OMI) es el organismo especializado del sistema de las Naciones Unidas responsable del transporte marítimo seguro, protegido y eficaz y de la prevención de la contaminación ocasionada por los …


MARINE ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION COMMITTEE –MEPC 80 The 80th session of the IMO's Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 80) was held from 3rdto 07thJuly 2023. MEPC 80 Highlights • Tacklingclimatechange-2023IMOGHG Strategyadopted • Energy efficiency of ships – draft


MEPC.127(53) Guidelines for ballast water management and development of ballast water management plans (G4) Amended by MEPC.306(73) MEPC.153(55) Guidelines for ballast water reception facilities (G5) MEPC.288(71) 2017 Guidelines for ballast water exchange (G6) Revokes MEPC.124(53) MEPC.289(71) 2017 Guidelines for risk assessment under …


The MEPC designated the region surrounding Jomard Entrance, part of the Louisiade Archipelago at the south eastern extent of Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea, as a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA). The PSSA includes established routeing systems (four two-way routes and a precautionary area) which were adopted in …


1.6 The Committee adopted the agenda for the session (MEPC 71/1) and, having noted the annotations thereto (MEPC 71/1/1), agreed to be guided by the provisional timetable (MEPC 71/1/1, annex 2, as revised), on the understanding that the timetable was subject to adjustments depending on the progress made each day. Credentials


The Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) was held in person in London (3-7 July 2023) with hybrid facilities allowing remote participation. MEPC 80 adopted the IMO 2023 Strategy on the reduction of GHG emissions from ships, with: Strengthened levels of ambition, including GHG emissions…


mepc.333(76) 2021 guidelines on the method of calculation of the attained energy efficiency existing ship index (eexi) mepc.332(76) amendments to the 2018 guidelines on the method of calculation of the attained energy efficiency design index (eedi) for new ships (resolution mepc.308(73), as amended by resolution mepc.322(74)) mepc.331(76)


Zaylie Stage Name: Zaylie (제일리) Birth Name: Palak Kamat Position: N/A Birthday: April 13, 2004 Zodiac Sign: Taurus Height: N/A Weight: N/A Blood Type: N/A Nationality: Indian Instagram: mepc_zaylie / palakkamat_13 Triller: palakkamat_13 Twitter: palakkamat_13 YouTube: palakkamat_13. Zaylie Facts: — Zaylie is from Mumbai, India.


MEPC 83 (Spring 2025) – Review of the short-term measure to be completed by 1 January 2026. MEPC 84 (Spring 2026) – Approval of measures / Review of the short-term measure (EEXI and CII) to be completed by 1 January 2026. Extraordinary one or two-day MEPC (six months after MEPC 83 in Autumn 2025) – Adoption of measures. Target …


The MPC mobile app, is available to U.S. citizens, U.S. lawful permanent residents, Canadian B1/B2 citizen visitors and returning Visa Waiver Program travelers with approved ESTA. MPC is currently available at the following 48 sites, including 33 U.S. International Airports, 11 Preclearance locations, and 4 seaports of entry:


Circular MEPC.1/Circ.883/Rev.1 Guidance on indication of ongoing compliance in the case of the failure of a single monitoring instrument, and recommended actions to take if the exhaust gas cleaning system (EGCS) fails to meet the provisions of the EGCS Guidelines; Circular MEPC.1/Circ.896


Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 80) The Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) addresses environmental issues under IMO's remit. This includes the control and prevention of ship-source pollution covered by the MARPOL treaty, including oil, chemicals carried in bulk, sewage, garbage and emissions …


resolution MEPC.76(40), the . Standard specification for shipboard incinerators, in respect of regulation 16.6.1 and appendix IV to MARPOL Annex VI, NOTING that, at its forty-fifth session, the Committee adopted, by resolution MEPC.93(45), Amendments to the standard specification for shipboard incinerators,


The Maseeh Entrepreneurship Prize Competition (MEPC) was established through a generous gift from Fariborz Maseeh, to inspire our innovators and turn their ideas into real products, companies, and solutions. MEPC selects concepts that are rooted in deep technology, have market viability, and have the highest potential for growth and impact.


The MEPC approved the final designation of the Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park, situated in the Sulu Sea, Philippines as a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA), following the adoption by the Maritime Safety Committee of a new Area to be avoided as an associated protective measure. The aim is to reduce the risk of ship groundings in the …


Monterey Peninsula College invites the community to submit nominations for our distinguished MPC Alumni and Alumni Athletes to be inducted into the MPC Lobo Hall of Fame. All nominations are due by October 31, 2023. Selected inductees will be honored at our annual Spring banquet. Read More >> Destress During Finals Week 2023


MEPC is the specialist real estate development and asset operating platform within Federated Hermes' Private Markets business. Federated Hermes is a global leader in active, responsible investment with over $700 billion of assets under management including over $20bn in Private Markets 1. It is guided by the conviction that responsible ...


They may appear as an Annex to the meeting report. Document symbols for resolutions include the resolution number and session information. For example, MEPC.209(63) refers to MEPC Resolution number 209 which was adopted during the 63rd session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee. Resolutions are listed by number, the most recent ...


The International Maritime Organization has released the provisional agendas for MEPC 81, SDC 10, and SSE 10.. MEPC 81. The eighty-first session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee is to be held from Monday, 18 March to Friday, 22 March 2024 at IMO Headquarters, 4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR.


The 79th session of the IMO's Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 79) was held from 12 to 16 December 2022. Highlights include the adoption of a Sulphur Emission Control Area (SECA) in the Mediterranean Sea from 1 July 2025 as well as further discussions on the revision of the IMO GHG Strategy scheduled for 2023 and …


The plan stipulates a data-gathering phase until MEPC 82 in autumn 2024, before analysing the data and finalizing any amendments to the measures by MEPC 83 in summer 2025. This includes CII reduction requirements from 2026 to 2030 aligned with the carbon intensity target in the revised IMO GHG Strategy.


The 79th session of the IMO's Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 79) was held from 12 to 16 December 2022. Highlights include the adoption of a …


With respect to the information provided for Tripartite Agreements concluded under Lists 1, 3 and 4 of the MEPC.2/Circular, the name of the product, the submitting country and the list number are given, while for those assessments concluded under List 2, the product trade name, the contains name, the n.o.s. entry number and the reporting ...


The Committee adopted resolution MEPC.331(76) containing amendments to Annexes 1 and 4 of the International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems on Ships (AFS Convention) which establish controls on the use of cybutryne as an anti-fouling system. Cybutryne acts as a biocide in an anti-fouling system but has been


The plan stipulates a data-gathering phase until MEPC 82 in autumn 2024, before analysing the data and finalizing any amendments to the measures by MEPC 83 …


Production. Repaired and Overhauled more than 2000 modules of the PW220, RB199,T56 Engines since the first contract in 2001. MEPC implements a comprehensive quality system to ensure that our products meet the OEMs standards and …


to be included in the agenda of MEPC 80 agreed at MEPC 79 (MEPC 79/15/Add.1, annex 15), has been circulated as document MEPC 80/1. 2 The annotations to the provisional …


New MEPCO bills for due date up to January-13-2024 are available to download . To check mepco online bill, you just need to know your 14 digit reference number.You can also check your bill by 10 digit Customer ID or Consumer ID.


The MEPC adopted a work plan on the concrete way forward to make progress with candidate mid- and long-term measures including measures to incentivize the move away from fossil fuels to low- and ...


The MEPC agreed to include a new output on its agenda, to address the issue of marine plastic litter from shipping in the context of 2030 Sustainable Development Goal 14 . Member Governments and international organizations were invited to submit concrete proposals to MEPC 73 on the development of an action plan.


The MEPC agreed updated terms of reference for the correspondence group, which is expected to submit its final report to MEPC 80, including the draft LCA guidelines …


MEPC.254(67)), NOTING FURTHER that, at its sixty-eighth and seventy-third sessions, it adopted, by resolutions MEPC.261(68) and MEPC.309(73), respectively, amendments to the 2014 Guidelines on survey and certification of the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI),


1.6 The Committee adopted the agenda for the session (MEPC 71/1) and, having noted the annotations thereto (MEPC 71/1/1), agreed to be guided by the …


The MEPC will consider establishing the effective date for the the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden special areas under MARPOL Annexes I and V, based on information provided related to the status of available necessary reception facilities for MARPOL Annexes I and V wastes and residues, covering all the ports and terminals within the areas.


MEPC 80 Summary Report: Agreement reached to accelerate the reduction in GHG emissions from shipping The IMO's Marine Environment Protection Committee has adopted a revised strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero, by or around 2050. This is a significant acceleration in the reduction of emissions compared to the …




.7 MEPC 74 (May 2019) approved MEPC.1/Circ.855 on Procedure for assessing the impacts on States of candidate measures; adopted resolution MEPC.323(74) on Inviting Member States to encourage voluntary cooperation between the port and shipping sectors to contribute to reducing GHG emissions from ships, as revised by MEPC 79 by resolution …

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